ADP.2 English Book Modern Literary Essays It is a text book which is included in ADP Arts Part.2 syllabus of Punjab University ,Sargodha University, GCUF, IUB and others universities who follow ADP syllabus. University will ask questions from these modern literary essays. University will put total three questions and the students will be asked to attempt any two questions with answer length of 150 words. Content List of Modern Literary essays: 1.Pakistan and the Modern World by Liaquat Ali Khan 2.The Eclipse by Virginia Woolf 3.Whistling of Birds by D.H Lawrence 4.Take the Plunge by Gloria Emerson 5.Nagasaki August.9,1945 by Michaito Ichimaru 6.Walking on the Moon by David R. Scott 7. My Grandfather by W.B Yeats 8. My Tailor by Stephen Leacock 9. The Beauty Industry by Aldous Huxley 10. Are Doctors Men of Science? by G.B Shaw 11.Hosts and Guests by Max Beerbohm 12. The Bachelor s' Dilemma by Herbert Gold 13. Tolerance by E.M Forster 14. On Saying Please by Alpha of the Plou...