
Showing posts with the label What is ADP

What is ADP Associate Degree Program

  What is Associate Degree Program? As everybody knows that all the universities of Pakistan have abolished two year BA/B.Sc as per the notification of the Higher Education Commission. Now all the universities have started ADP: Associate Degree Program that is also of two years. This degree program has three major categories. 1. Associate Degree Program in Arts 2.Asscoicate Degree Program in Science 3.Associate degree Program in Commerce The above mentioned three categories would replace BA /B.Sc and B.Com respectively. One can say that nomenclature of BA/B.Sc and B.Com has been changed into ADP in Arts Science and Commerce. Like BA / B.Sc it is of two year, same syllabus and same exams pattern: Annual and bi-annual. Both regular and private students can take part in ADP two years degree program. The annual exams of these degree are expected to be held on April quite like BA / B.Sc exams held in April every year. The bi-annual exams are held two months after the...