ADP Part.2 English Syllabus, Books and Paper Pattern Punjab University


What is the syllabus of ADP Part.2 English?

There are two books in ADP. Part.2 English. One is "Modern Literary Essays" which contains 20 literary essays. Second book is of English Novel "The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. Here is a relaxation for the students in text reading. AS there is no question of reference to the context in ADP Part.2 English Paper , so the students are not bound to read the text of these two books. But my recommendation is that students must go through the text of these two books for a broaden concept and better understanding.

There would be two sections in ADP Part.2 English Paper

Section.1 will cover these two above mentioned text books and the students will be asked to answer to the given questions. This section will be of 40 marks.

Section.2 will cover the grammar portion in the paper. This portion includes the items like essays on topics, Letter to the editor, applications, idioms, phrasal verbs and correction of the sentences. This section will be of 60 marks.

Associate Degree Program in Arts Part.2 English Model Paper


Punjab University

Associate Degree in Arts       Paper pattern                        T.Marks: 100               Time Allowed: 3 Hrs

English Language .2                                       Section: A

Q1: Attempt any TWO of the following.( 150 Words) 10+10=20 Marks

a)      What is the message of the essay, “The Eclipse”?

b)      “It is very easy to see fanaticism in other people, but difficult to spot it in oneself. “Do you agree?

c)      What are water and fat soluble?


Q2: Attempt any TWO of the following questions.(150 Words)  10+10=20 Marks

a)      Santiago s’ Persian fault pushes him to his failure.

b)      What are the main themes of the novel, “The Old Man and the Sea?”

c)      “Man is not made for defeat. Elaborate?

Section: B

Important Note: Over attempted Idioms/Correction of sentences will not be marked. Only the first five will be marked.

Q3: Write an essay with outline on any one of the following topics ( 300-350 Words) 25 Marks

1.      Revival of Economy in Pakistan

2.      The Importance of Female Education

3.      China Pakistan Economic Corridor

4.      Judicial System in Pakistan

5.      Our Social Values

Q4: Correct any five of the following sentences.  10 Marks

1.      The man is mortal.

2.      More we get, more we want.

3.      The climate of Murree is colder than Lahore.

4.      Slow and steady win the race.

5.      He is the wisest of the two.

6.      What makes you to look so happy?

7.      It is me who helped him.

8.      I eat much fruits every day.

9.      Either he or I are right.

10.  Each of the students are honest.

Q5: Use any five of the idiomatic phrases in sentences. 10 Marks

1.      Put up with

2.      At hand

3.      Above board

4.      At a snail s’ pace

5.      A thumbnail sketch

6.      A Democle s’ sword

7.      Ins an out

8.      Bring under

9.      Make out

10.  Get over


Q6: Write a letter to the newspaper editor about the use of drugs in colleges. 15


Write an application to the secretary of education for the post of English Teacher in your college.




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